DEERMA Air Fryer (KZ200H) air fryer will help you cook your favorite dishes without using a lot of oil. The device brings food to readiness using hot air, which allows you to save a maximum of useful substances in them and reduce their fat content to a minimum. With this air fryer, even fast food can become healthy food. The device is made of food-grade materials that do not enter into chemical reactions with food even at high temperatures, so its use is safe for your health. The device will fall in love with all fans of a healthy lifestyle since you can continue to eat your favorite treats even while on a diet.
- 煎烤X氣炸鍋 創新多用氣烤炸杯,讓你一機做出煎烤或氣炸效果
- 智能旋鈕輕食屏 6大定制菜單,輕鬆一按即可
- 回字發熱管 均勺鋪設整面覆蓋底部,迅速導熱煎烤,鎖緊肉汁皮脆肉嫩
- 新型透明烤炸艙 全景晶瑩通透設計,讓烹飪可視化,輕鬆掌握料理進程
- 配搭條紋煎烤盤 自由料理各種蔬菜肉類,煎出焦香烤出鮮美
- 安心無害不黏層 煎盤和炸籃均採用持久光滑的不粘層,安全放心
- 可拆卸清洗 拆卸後用水沖洗即可恢復潔淨,輕鬆清潔無死角
額定電壓 Rated Voltage:220V~
額定頻率 Rated Frequency:50Hz
額定功率 Rated Power:1000W
產品容量 Capacity:2L
產品尺寸 Dimensions:220*204*305mm